well, it's official... boone and i are gypsies. we've moved out of our ATL apartment and have nowhere to live for the next month. all of our worldly possessions are in my car and boone's truck (except the ones in the POD). now we're off to see/stay with as many friends and family as possible until we get back from the south pacific! honestly, i won't be able to count it as a successful adventure unless we spend at least one night sleeping in the bed of boone's truck...

all that is to say that i've always associated freedom* and spontaneity with gypsy camps, caravans and nomads of all sorts, so here's a little of my inspiration for the next month or so!

photos here, here, here here, here, here, here and here,
*this is not the reality for most gypsies...i'm aware that they face oppression and find themselves as outcasts in most societies where they reside, but in my imagination, this is what their lives are like.
I think the bed of a truck actually sounds like fun! Have a wonderful trip!
You and Brett always have a free room at my house. Let me know and I will get the sheets changed on the bed. Anytime!!
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