Thursday, November 25, 2010

superhero sweet potatoes!

one of my all-time favorite foods is the sweet potato...when i start talking about all the ways i love to eat them i sound like bubba from forrest gump talking about shrimp. in fact, my first year in graduate school i made a new friend, craig, who had just moved to the south. somehow, somewhere he also discovered the excellence of sweet potatoes and so, for his birthday that year i made a sweet potato feast... sweet potato fries, brazilian stew, casserole with marshmallows, and a sweet potato, spinach and g nut and special sauce dish were all on the menu.

anyway, i was playing around on the interweb today while boone and his folks watched football and found this fantastically exciting article. did you know that my favorite starch is being used to battle malnutrition in mozambique and other african nations. another thing to be thankful for!

there are a few other s-p related articles out there today...want to learn more? click here, or here.

oh...and here's another thing i want to share... an old friend's semi-new investment...a sweet potato butter business. want to try some? read about it here and buy it here.

images here and here.


Kelly said...

I loveeeee sweet potatoes!!! love love love! This post is great!

Andy said...

Thanks for the plug. I hope things are going well for you and you had a great thanksgiving. We should catch up soon.

Jen said...

I cannot believe I have never thought to ask you for all those recipes. THE STEW. I'm gonna have to make it ASAP.