Friday, December 4, 2009

upate: more gifts!

don't you just hate when you find something cooler to post AFTER you'd already posted? a few other gift ideas..

for the kiddos:

playshapes & esme the woodland creature

for boone:

root liquor (root beer with a punch)

and legos for grownups

for my mom:

onion goggles. these will change her life & and a book that may inspire her to make big bucks with her art.

for the gals:

cool handmade soaps

or an inspiring, lovely book by one of my fav artists

my dad:

a handturned wooden bowl for his new office for keys and change and whatnot.

want more? visit reformschoolrules, worldofgood, etsy, delight, gentsupply or art in the age

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