Monday, April 6, 2009

back to the real world...

happy monday everybody!

i'm back from a busy, busy, weekend. the shower was beyond fun... you never realize how fulfilling it is to have most of the people you deeply love in one place until it happens. probably the most fun part is we have friends in atl from every life-stage, and they were all at the party mixing and mingling. it was a really beautiful sight at a lovely, laid back party. my sweet friends really captured our spirit

people were really generous and thoughtful with their gifts! we got an ice cream maker, some beautiful dessert and vegetarian cookbooks, great movies, more games than we can ever play, and two homemade yard games. we love playing ladder golf and washers, and thanks to our sweet and crafty friends, now we can play whenever we want!
(fourth of july at OUR house this year, everybody!)

now it's back to the real world... paper writing, wedding planning, easter celebrating, and packing up to move into OUR apartment!

photos from here and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That one washer game looks like fun.