Sunday, December 6, 2009

procrastination via christmas cards...

i'm s'posed to be working on my final paper and writing cover letters, but i took a break to work on our christmas postcards. here are the two finalists:

but we picked the second one. uuughhhh...i'm feeling a little bit of buyer's remorse.
oh well, at least we'll have cards to send since there's no way we'll have time to make chocolate bark. how are you keeping in touch with your nearest and dearest this holiday season?

btw, i don't know what the quality will be like, but PrintsMadeEasy gave us a GREAT deal (100 postcards for $20 and free shipping with code FREESHIP09) and says they'll be here by December 13th.


ABC said...

I vote for the top one.
Because I am in it!!!

ABC said...

oh wait, somehow missed the bottom part that says you chose the second. well hooray! I love that one too!