Sunday, November 23, 2008

Great day, hooray!

i officially joined my church this morning...i was a little worried that they weren't going to vote me in, but somehow i eeked by (this is a joke, my church welcomes everyone). anyway, it feels so good to have a faith-home that i really really trust and of which I feel thankful to be a part.

so the deal is that all of the new members write and participate in the service in some way (praying, singing, playing an instrument, serving communion) i'm not a big "talker in public" so i offered to design the bulletin cover based on the songs and verses incorporated into the service. we chose Psalm 139 "if I rise to the heavens you are there.." and the gospel tune "I'll Fly away" and here's what I came up with...

anyway, it has been a great day.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

So excited for you! And I love your bulletin cover! :)